Apex By Denna At Seylynn Village
Apex is the final tower in the first phase of Seylynn Village re-development, following the great success of Compass and Beacon Towers. Developed by Denna Homes in one of North Vancouver‘s growing neighbourhoods, Apex will include 276 homes in a 32 storey luxury high-rise, ranging from 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-bedroom condos and townhomes.
Once Apex site is fully completed, the first phase of Seylynn Village is said to include a total of 790 condos and townhomes in the community throughout the 3 towers and will be the starting point of the new Lynn Creek Village.
The development also includes access to the recently completed Denna Club, which in total is 14,000 square foot of amenity space. Denna Club includes an 25-metre infinity lap pool, lounge, fitness centre, spa and dedicated space for yoga/dance.
Seylynn Village is a vibrant and growing community with unique amenities, from shopping and dining options to exciting recreational opportunities, such as hiking, biking, skiing and more!